Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mothers Day Recap

I was sick this last Mother's day. Oh yes, I threw up the breakfast after it was delivered to me in bed. Stinking IC Flare. However, Jason and the girls pampered me like crazy. I took a nap in the morning and when I awakened, all the laundry was done and put away! Yes, my hubby rocks! I also received a lovely ring (3 sapphires), wonderful homemade cards, piles of hugs and kisses, and sung to all day. Despite being sick, my little family made the day amazing!
I went with the girls for a quick visit to my Mom's house to drop off cards and give hugs while avoiding church and the orchid filled allergy inducing corsage-ness that is our ward on Mother's day.
That evening we went to J's folks house for dinner - which you can read about HERE. The boys were supposed to be in charge of dinner, but of course I did all the shopping and preparation work due to a busy hubby and late church (J still had to teach primary) and couldn't actually eat spicy bratwurst or hamburgers with my tender tummy. It was a lovely sentiment, however. And I had fun taking pictures of everyone.
The girls had a great time playing with their cousins. Laura and I taught Emily dance moves and the mommies watched a darling performance. And Sara bonded with Aysha in Grandma's fountain.


  1. These are GREAT pictures! The one with your girls turned out especially nice. I am glad that you had a good Mother's Day even though you were sick.

  2. Glad you had a great Mother's Day. Sorry you couldn't make it to church, and weren't feeling well. :(

  3. I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day, too. The girls and I sure love you SOOOOOOO much, it's CRAZY!!!

    Love you, Babe!
