Melinda: 1 - You are a worthy priesthold holder and my eternal companion. 2 - You are the best Daddy in the entire world to our precious girls. 3 - You take amazing care of me when I am sick and being that I seem to have been sick for the entire last year, that is one big task and you do it perfectly.
Laura (she told me these herself...no prompting): 1 - You laugh and tickle her. 2 - You play with her. 3 - You hug her at night when she is scared and you snuggle her.
Sara (okay, it's just my interpretation, but these seem to be her favorites): 1 - You are warm and comfy and make her feel good, particularly a warm hand on an upset belly. 2 - You make her smile. 3 - You are the fastest diaper changer ever.
Happy Birthday, honey! You are the best ever!
Happy Birthday Jason!!! I just think you are/were a great neighbor. We miss you playing with the kids (they miss you to and still ask us to play some of your games).