This will once again be a picture-centric post. It just amazes me how quickly Sara changes and here is some of the documentation of how she is right now. Here is her two month comparison picture.

The best thing that has happened is that she is smiling so much more frequently and easily now. She grins at the tongue game with her sister and regularly when all of us play and interact with her. It is wonderful to feel like we are truly interacting now that she responds to us. Isn't her little smile cute and toothless?!! Please note that her eyes scrunch when she smiles, just like her Mom and her Dad.

Sara is also doing a really good job at holding her head up and looking around. She's just adorable. And in this picture you can kinda see that her eyes continue to be blue. Jason and I are just amazed that our brown-eyed selves produced a blue-eyed girl!

However, all this new interaction and activity makes a girl tired. Look at that huge yawn and the way she still sleeps all sprawled out. Oh, and what a great night sleeper she is. Her nighttime schedule is sleeping a 5 hour stretch, getting up to eat and then going right back for another 5 hour stretch. What a wonderful change from our sleepless Laura! Bless you, Emily, for the book that has helped us all get some good sleep and maintain our sanity!
Cute babe!!!! I love the smiles. And the sprawled out sleeping. What a cutie!!! Just so you know, Mike and I (both with hazel eyes) produced two blue-eyed children (although, I think Emma's will turn, they are going grey).
ReplyDeleteWell, now that I know how to leave comments!...She is so big! Makes me sad that we haven't seen you guys in awhile, esp that we didn't make the blessing (one of us in Chicago, and me with my head in the toilet - awe lovely days)...
ReplyDeleteLet's do something soon - Is Jason having a big birthday party, regardless we can do dinner some time (Bri gets home Sunday). Love you!