We had a wonderful Conference weekend. I decided to get Laura new and fun crafts that she could do only during the sessions. They were a big hit and we got to watch and pay attention to almost every talk for all 4 general sessions. She worked on some cool peg boards and made a scrapbook. The scrapbook is going to be a new tradition; Laura will get to work on it every Conference.

She also did two other things during Conference. She played Conference Bingo that was dropped off to us from the YW in the new ward. Laura did remarkably well with it and caught many of the words herself. My compassionate girly also got very concerned about Elder Wirthlin after his talk and made and mailed him a "Feel Better" card.

Jason got an extra special treat this year. My Dad was able to procure tickets for all the boys to the Priesthood Session of Conference in the Conference Center. It was a super neat experience for Jason. Here is a picture of my Dad, Jason and my nephew
Jordan; some of the men who went together.

As always, I was incredibly uplifted by this Conference. My testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was strengthened as I was inspired to do better in my life. And finally, for the first time, one of my resolves was not to do better in journaling as requested by President Eyring...this blog is keeping me good in that regard. However, there is plenty more for me to improve upon. Also, I am going to try to mention a place where I can see God in my life in most of my posts: today I see Him most of all in the worthiness of the men in my life and their excitement at being able to participate with other Priesthood holders.
That's awesome that Ja got to go to the Conference Center for the priesthood session. I too liked President Eyring's comments about finding God's hand in our lives.