Laura would like to let everyone know that Mommy is too busy. And, I sure agree. Though the trip was a grand time, I just haven't had enough Laura time since I got back. Work has been huge with the Fair this week, and of course Church is taking a lot of my time in the evenings. So, Laura and I tend to spend a lot of our time together like this chatting, laughing and singing.

Last night's church activity was really enjoyable. It was our book club meeting about
Leah's Shadow. The author came and shared a lot of really great insights. There was some good conversation and I really loved his testimony. It's great to feel the spirit at book club. Here is a picture of the author and almost everyone who came.

I need to vent for a moment about book club: Why don't people read the book before attending? And, if you want to attend without reading the whole book, why must you dominate discussion about things that would be answered if you had just read the whole book? And finally, why can't we discuss more than just one part of the book? Okay, I'm done. I would like to let you know that this venting only has to do with a miniscule percentage of the group, but it really bugged me last night that the rest of us couldn't have the conversation we wanted to have because of that minority.
Finally, here is a darling picture of Laura and I having a little time together this morning. She was very upset that I was going to leave the house without a "hairdo" (ie: some kind of ponytail) so this is her fixing the problem.
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