So, we began our Friday very old school with a trip to the park. Laura of course loved the slide; if you thought her hair was cool last time, it's nothing compared to Friday's hair.

But the big event was that Laura conquered climbing the lily pads all by herself. She was very brave and very proud of her accomplishment.

Then came the technology portion of our Friday. We went out with Daddy for lunch and finally broke down and got an MP3 player. Here's Jason showing off the goods.

I showed Laura the
PBS Kids website and introduced her to the games. She has become obsessed with Cookie Monster's letter game and making Elmo dance. I think we have created our own computer monster. She's asked to play almost constantly and is thrilled that she can work the mouse. Though, she comes to me regularly to help her or to watch her play with the excuse that, "Mommy, I having a little mouse trouble." We may have to invest in a V-Smile for her next birthday so I can actually get to the computer and post to the blog.

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