After nearly a month of planning and talking about going, we finally went on our hike to Timp Cave. I had no memory of going through the cave, though I know I went as a kid, and we thought it would be fun to go! We invited along some other friends (3 other couples came: Cory and Kristie, Brian and Emily, and Deelisa and Steve) who also had kids and away we went. In these two pics are everyone that came: Da Girls and Da Boys!

The hike was long up the hill, but it felt good to be getting some exercise! And Laura seemed to enjoy the backpack. Thank you Jason for hauling her up the mountain!

The cave itself was SUPER cool. We learned all about things like stalactites and cave bacon and soda straws. It was beautiful and fascinating. Laura did really well inside the cave even when it got dark...we're talking REALLY dark. Here we are in the cave...if you look closely you can see a stalactite right above Jason's head. Not the one he or Laura hit their heads on, but you can see it.

All that talk of food made us hungry, so we took a rest and the kids ate before we headed back down the mountain.

We ended our hike with more food from JCW's. The kids shared cheese sandwiches and nuggets. As you can see, Laura wasn't so happy about sharing. But, she cheered up and left the restaurant covered in chocolate shake. Needless to say, calories were no object after that hike!
I was waiting to see the hike pictures. Thanks.