Don't you just love those little conveniences that make life better?! Jason and I got a couple of those conveniences the other night.
Since we moved the computer to the family room and made what was the office into Laura's playroom, we have been hauling down a kitchen chair each time we wanted to work on the computer. It has been a huge pain.

So, we purchased a folding chair that could live right next to the computer. It is so wonderful to not have to carry down a kitchen chair. And, this chair has a cushion!

As many of you know, I LOVE magazines. I read at least 4 all the way through each month: Reader's Digest, Allure, Good Housekeeping and The Ensign. I keep all of them on the back of the toilet. Unfortunately, in the downstairs bathroom they kept falling off the toilet b/c it's not right next to the wall. They also looked messy in what I call the guest/nice bathroom. So, we got a magazine rack. It has been remarkably hard to find. I love that it contains my reading addiction while still looking clean.
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