We seem to be growing a lot of things at our house. Our corner garden is growing like crazy: please note that you can't see the lillies because the flowers have gotten so large. And even our roses have taken off.

Laura has been growing a sunflower from a seed. It bloomed today. Here she is smelling it and showing it off.

Laura herself has grown like a weed in this hot summer sun. She's gotten super tall and just seems to be a lot older. It's sad, but it's also great to see how wonderfully she's growing. Isn't she just the cutest?!

Our blog is also growing, Jason is happy to report. We have hit 1000 visits today since the beginning of June. Not bad for just 2 months. We're glad that our little "on-line journal" is a fun place to come and thanks to all of you for coming. It makes it even more fun to do.
And on a total aside, I just have to say that I'm so proud of my perfect wife for a myriad of things (making sure Laura is growing up brilliant, funny, cute and charming; taking care of all of our wonderful flowers and house; for supporting me through school and our huge church callings). She is the best mom in the entire world and the best wife and friend any person could hope or wish for. I am truly a lucky boy!! But today I think I am most proud of her for how she's doing at work. She is so organized and caught up on everything that needs to be done, that the office has never been as organized. Way to go, my Love!!!
Thank you honey! You made my day/week!