1. Taken a header into the full bathtub completely clothed. As the water went down, her arms went lower and lower, until she flipped into the tub. A small portion of her back and a bit of her hair was not dripping from Jason's and my sprint towards her. Is it wrong to laugh as your child is crying?
2. Right after the bathtub incident she went from sitting on the stool to sitting on the floor in .2 seconds. "Fall down"
3. She likes to pick out her own outfits. She couldn't decide between two pairs of socks so we had to put on one of each. After looking at them for a few seconds she told me "Dis one" and took off the one she didn't like. However, her taste in shoes might not be quite so exacting as shown in the picture above.
She is such a crazy kid. She may be a crazy woman and have endless energy, but she sure is fun, silly, and entertaining. Cute little button!
ReplyDeleteWhere have I heard this before - oh yeah, the other night. What a cute girl!
ReplyDeleteOur Sara provides tons on comic relief for us and I just love that about her!
ReplyDeleteI hope you all get well SOON! Love you all!