Eliza is still the joy of all our lives. She shares, kisses when people are sad, laughs, smiles easily and just brightens all of our days. We call her "magic" because you just can't be upset when she is nearby. Her spirit is amazing; she folds her arms during prayers and kisses any picture of Jesus she sees.

We went to the doctor today and her stats are as follows:

Height: 30 inches - 90th percentile
Weight: 19lb 12oz - 40th percentile
Head: 43.5 cm - 10th percentile
She definitely is not as big as Sara. Eliza mostly wears 9-12 month clothes still with only a few 12-18 month items in her wardrobe and her little feet are still only a size 2.

Eliza seems to really have made lots of progress this past month. She is putting two words together now such as "hi dada" which she will do when picking up the phone and putting it to her ear, or "uh-uh lala" when she wants to be relocated. Her signing is good, she points regularly to what she'd like, and says "eh" at everything. There are a few new words in her vocabulary, "uh-ma" for grandma, "yah" for yes.

Baby dolls are seriously adored and Eliza will feed them and kiss them like crazy. She is loving feeding herself, particularly baby goldfish, graham crackers and peeled grapes. The poor girl still doesn't have any teeth, but her gums of steel do a pretty good job on most things. Eliza follows her sisters around everywhere and loves to get involved in any game they are playing.

She is precious beyond words and we are so grateful that she is in our family. The Lord truly knew what would complete our family and gave us just that: Eliza!
Eliza -- one year! Wow, what a joy she is and most especially, what a great blessing it is for you to have her. We all love little Eliza.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute little stink! I sure love this baby. And talk about being the "anti-Sara"! She is such a cute little pip-squeak.
ReplyDeleteLOVE the picture of the kids with Jason! I am feeling guilty that I haven't posted about Lily turning 7 yet. It's not like I am busy, right?